Individual Employment
The information on this page pertains to the Supported Employment & Training services we provide to the individuals we serve. If you are interested in a career with Northeast Arc, please see our list of available positions.

Northeast Arc provides employment training, education and supported employment opportunities to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and autism. Employment supports are designed to ensure that all people are able to achieve personal employment goals. Each person’s day is individually defined to maximize his or her opportunities to learn.
Specialized Supports are available for people requiring additional staff supports and resources to ensure success. Specialized staffing supports are also available for people who may be deaf or hard-of-hearing.
For more information, please complete this form.
How We Work With Supported Employment Partners
Your business has a need that has to be filled; Northeast Arc identifies someone who is the perfect candidate for the job. Our job coaches will match an individual to the role and responsibilities of the position, help them in getting to work, and assist in training. The Job Coach will provide as little or as much support as necessary, depending on the needs of the individual and the complexities of the job. For Northeast Arc, it is important that the individuals learn in the way that works best for them, that they master their work skills and gain confidence, and that they maintain their position for the long-term.

Supported Group Employment
Supported group employment is available for people want to work within the community but require support from Northeast Arc staff to be successful. Several opportunities are available for people to work at a community employer in a small group setting with familiar supports.

Community Employment
Community employment is supported by the staff at Northeast Arc; Job Developers work with participants to identify potential career paths and assist the individual throughout the application and interview process. Job Coaches provide hands-on training and support as soon as the job starts, and then fade their support based upon the needs of both the employee and the employer. The Coaches provide additional supports as requested whenever a job function changes or more tasks are added.

Transition Services
Transition services are available for people preparing to graduate from school. Vocational Assessments are used to assist students and schools in determining skill proficiency and needs. Students may also work, through their school contracts, in any of the program opportunities available through Northeast Arc.
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