
A gift to Northeast Arc is an investment in the future of the people we serve. Your support changes lives. You can donate to Northeast Arc in a number of ways!
Double, or even triple your gift to Northeast Arc by participating in a Matching Gift program offered by your employer! Check with your Human Resources department to see how they might match your charitable contributions to Northeast Arc.
Donate Online
Donate by Credit Card via Phone
Donate by Check
Donate by check – payable to Northeast Arc and mailed to the Development Office, 1 Southside Road, Danvers, MA 01923.
Bequests and Other Planned Gifts
Northeast Arc has partnered with Crescendo® to provide supporters with information about planned giving options at
While bequests through wills and trusts are the largest source of planned gifts, there are also planned giving options donors can use during their lifetimes, such as qualified charitable distributions from IRAs for people 70 1/2 years of age and older. We hope these new tools will help supporters when they discuss their financial and philanthropic goals with their legal and financial advisors.
To learn more about the types of planned gifts Northeast Arc can accept and how they support its mission, please contact Susan Ring Brown at or call 978-924-5211.
Become a Member
Donate Your Car
Donate your car! Northeast Arc accepts donations of cars and boats through a program with The Arc of the US. It’s simple, fast and the proceeds are sent directly to us. You can arrange your car donation online (choose MA Northeast Arc from the ‘select chapter of the Arc’ drop-down list), or by calling 1-877-arc-car0 (1-877-272-2270).
Create a Facebook Fundraiser
Give through United Way of Massachusetts Bay & Merrimack Valley
Give through United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley by designating your gift to Northeast Arc using the code M351688.

Tributes & Memorials Gifts
We can help you solve the challenge of marking a special occasion for a loved one who doesn’t want gifts! Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, holiday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc., making a tribute gift to Northeast Arc in honor of your loved one’s special occasion is a touching gesture. Donate online, select “Dedicate Gift,” name the honoree, and we will send a card to the honoree notifying him or her of your kind contribution (we don’t share the amount).
Likewise, when loved ones pass away, you can continue the good work they supported by giving a memorial to Northeast Arc in their honor. Donate online and we’ll send a card to the deceased person’s family notifying them of your kind contribution in their loved one’s honor (we don’t share the amount).
The Northeast Arc Development Office will be happy to work with you and your financial advisor to create a plan that works for you; contact Paula Vrattos at 978-924-5174.
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