Day Habilitation

Northeast Arc Day Habilitation (Day Hab) programs provide assistance with the acquisition, retention, and improvement of self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills. 

Supports are arranged based upon a individual’s personal goals and dreams. Individualized Day Hab plans are developed to focus on the skills and activities that best suit each participant. Clinical supports and consultations are woven into daily activities by our team of nurses, occupational therapists and physical therapists.


Individuals eligible for Day Habilitation must:

  • Be over the age of 22
  • Have a DD/IDD diagnoses
  • Have insurance coverage (MassHealth Standard/Commonhealth, Senior Care Options (SCO), One Care (ICO) or DDS funding)
  • Have physician’s approval

Our Programs
Day Habilitation Programs are open Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Patton Center — Beverly 

Situated in the heart of Beverly, this program focuses on community activities and access.

Endeavor (formerly Meridian and Leeds) — Danvers

Recently moved from 5 Electronics Ave. to 6 Southside Rd., this program provides comprehensive and creative skill building and support for both medically and behaviorally complex individuals.

For more information, contact Kaitlyn Standley, Day Habilitation services manager at 978-924-5549

Peter Albano, participant at Patton Center Day Habilitation in Beverly paints

The variety of supports and activities include, but are not limited to:

Activities of Daily Living Skill Development

Communication Support and Development

Behavioral Supports


Peer Mentoring

Medical Case Management

Community-Based Activities

Adaptive Technology including the use of iPads®, iTouches® and Smart Board


Health and Wellness

Community Outreach in support of our neighbors

Part time work opportunities

Clinical Services as needed

Northeast Arc Day Habilitation Programs provide specialty subservices to participants:

Intensive Medical Supports for people with high skill needs is available through our Meridian Day Habilitation program.  A higher nurse/staff to participant ratio is utilized to ensure that full participation in all activities is achieved.

Allergen-Free Environment is available to people who require a more controlled environment in order to ensure their health and well-being.

Transitional Program for people leaving the school system and entering adult services is offered.

Participants may choose to split their day or week between one of the three Day Habilitation programs and employment opportunities at one of our innovative small businesses.

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Profound Autism - Parent Support Group - Merrimack Valley

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