Building Blocks
Building Blocks
Home & Community Based Intensive Specialty ABA Services Ages 0 to 3 Years
Northeast Arc’s Building Blocks is an approved Department of Public Health Early Intervention Specialty Provider. The program provides individualized Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services to children ages 0 to 3 years diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families. The approach focuses on building skills and addressing challenging behaviors through enjoyable interactions and everyday routines in the context of familiar, supportive relationships. Activities emphasize family and caregiver coaching. Services include 1:1 activities with providers, support for children in group settings, parent/caregiver collaboration, and team coordination with Early Intervention.
Building Blocks staff work with children and families to identify motivating activities for learning. Emphasis is placed on reinforcing a child’s initiation and attempts while skills are shaped through reciprocal engagement. Building Blocks is a development-behavior therapy, applying the principles of behavior analysis (ABA) with knowledge of child development and family support. Goals and strategies are individualized and drawn from the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), related tenants of Pivotal Response Training (PRT), and principles of Early Intervention 0-3. Services are delivered by a team of direct behavior technicians with oversight by a Board Certified Licensed Behavior Analyst (BCBA/LABA).
Building Blocks is strengths-based and highly collaborative. The clinical team will work with caregivers and related specialists (SLP, OT, PT, feeding, etc.) to support the unique needs of each family. Services are delivered at home, daycare, and in the community, and focus on coordinated development across domains with an emphasis on communication, social skills, play, imitation, attention and behavior support.
Elizabeth Ashley
Program Director

Service Areas
- Lowell, Merrimac Valley
- North Shore
- Metro-North
- Central Middlesex
- Boston and surrounding areas
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