DDS Commissioner Updates

To: DDS Individuals and Families From: Commissioner Jane Ryder Date: 3/25/2020 Subject: Coronavirus Update for Individuals and Families Dear DDS Community: I’d like to provide an update on the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) response to COVID-19 as of...

COVID-19 AFC Updates

March 19, 2020 Dear members, caregivers, and AFC partners, The Northeast Arc is committed to protecting the people we support and our staff. We want to let you know about the measures we are taking to protect the health and safety of all families who participate in...

Northeast Arc Gets High Marks in State Review

DANVERS — Northeast Arc announced Wednesday that it received a two-year license — the longest license that can be awarded — from the state Department of Developmental Services (DDS). The not-for-profit organization that helps children and adults with disabilities...