Changing Lives Challenge
Let’s Change Lives
Northeast Arc provides support and essential services to more than 15,000 people with disabilities across 190 communities in Massachusetts. We have positively disrupted disability services since our inception in 1954, and are continuing to lead innovation and collaboration to benefit people with disabilities across the Commonwealth and beyond.
During this difficult time, we are pivoting our approach to ensure the most vulnerable among us are receiving essential support and services in a safe environment. We continue to innovate, meeting unforeseen needs in real time, with the goal of not only getting through the pandemic but coming out the other side positioned to Change Lives for the better.
With the cancellation of our Evening of Changing Lives gala, and rising expenses for essential Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and Technology accommodations, there has never been a greater need for your support. Our goal is to raise $750,000 to ensure the continuation of crucial support and services during this critical time of need.
The Changing Lives Challenge
Steven P. Rosenthal, the philanthropist who made a $1 Million donation to the Northeast Arc in 2017 to create the Changing Lives Fund, is continuing to support the agency as it battles COVID-19 and the additional emergency expenses associated with it. Steve has committed to donating $100,000 to the Northeast Arc if the organization can raise the same amount or more from other donors through an emergency challenge grant by April 30, 2020. This generous donation and the matching funds we receive will get us on our way to our goal of $750,000 that we were expecting to make at our annual Evening of Changing Lives in early May that we had to cancel. These urgently needed funds will support the most vulnerable people in our community – those with disabilities – during this critical time.
Northeast Arc (Tax ID #04-2232416) is a nonprofit organization organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your donation.
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Out of Isolation
In the past month, we’ve all become acutely aware that social isolation has a massive impact on our quality of life. Please understand that this isolation and chronic loneliness are the daily reality for many people with disabilities. The Northeast Arc is committed to not only getting those we serve through this difficult time, but helping them become fully-included members of our communities. We will not lose sight of that goal while we are working toward addressing our current challenge – please know that with your support we will soon make this a reality!
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